bahsid mclean holding head of tanya byrd video

 Bahsid McLean, a 23-year-old man, is accused of dismembering the body of his 45-year-old mother, Tanya Byrd, and then killing her. Cops found grim photographs of the man and his mom on the man's phone. 

McLean wore a dull plastic garbage can to court on Friday and made a couple of outburstsHe is on implosion watch and hadn't been taking his medication, his legitimate guide said. Darcel Clark, the Bronx Head prosecutor, expressed in an explanation: The defendant chillingly took pictures with his mother's mutilated body after stabbing her to death." He proceeded to say that McLean confronted an extended jail sentence. Bahsid McLean, the eldest son of McLean-Smith, killed and dismembered McLean-Smith's sister Tanya Byrd in February 2013. At the time, he was married to Vera McLean. Porsche Lovett, McLean's sister, says that after the wrongdoing, his partner changed her name to Zarah Coombs. 

McLean-Smith said that an old coworker called her on Saturday morning and told her about the fatal beating of the young man. She stated that she had only seen Zamair once, when the child was less than a year old, and that she would never again.
