humza yousaf scotland

 Delighted to appoint my Cabinet & Ministerial team, we will work to deliver a radical, ambitious & progressive policy agenda for the people of Scotland.

First time Cabinet has more women than men. We promise to work in the interests of all of Scotland.
Bureau of 10 will be upheld by 18 Junior Clergymen. The process of appointing his ministerial team has been completed by First Minister Humza Yousaf. The Scottish Cabinet will be supported by 18 Junior Ministers and consist of 10 Cabinet Secretaries, including the First Minister. Elena Whitham, Minister of Independence; Humza Yousaf, Minister of Drugs and Alcohol Policy; Jamie Hepburn, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance; Shona Robison, Minister of Community Wealth and Public Finance; Tom Arthur, Minister of Local Government Empowerment and Planning; Joe FitzPatrick, Minister of Parliamentary Business; Michael Matheson, Minister of Public Health and Women's Health; Jenni Minto, Minister of Social Care, Mental Wellbeing, and Sport; Maree and Minister for Veterans Graeme Dey Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition Màiri McAllan Cabinet Secretary for Transport Kevin Stewart Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work, and Energy Neil Gray Cabinet Secretary for Small Business, Innovation, and Trade Richard Lochhead Cabinet Secretary for Energy Gillian Martin Cabinet Secretary for Green Skills, Circular Economy, and Biodiversity (who will also work alongside the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition) Lorna Slater Cabinet Secretary for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel In due course, a more in-depth breakdown of ministerial responsibilities will be confirmed.
