Alhram Makkah

 The entrances to the Masjid al-Haram ().

There are approximately 262 gates in the Great Mosque of Mecca after the most recent expansion by King Abdullah. Of these, 13 are reserved for people with disabilities and special needs.

The modern Sacred Mosque is accessed through five primary entrance gates, along which are a number of secondary minor gates. The doors bear the name of critical individuals, occurrences and spots since the beginning of time, a couple of entryways are named after political people too. Bab Malik 'Abdulaziz Bab Ajyad Bab Bilal Bab Hunain Bab Ismail Bab Safa Bab Safa Bab an-Nabi Bab Dar ul-Arqam Bab Ali Bab Abbas Bab Bani Hashim Bab Bani Shaibah Bab Marwah Bab Muda'a Bab Arafat Bab Umar Bab Umrah Bab Madinah Bab al-Quds Bab Shamiyah Bab Nidwah Bab Quraish Bab Mina The mosque complex's gates are named after famous people, places, and sometimes even events. Their sizes vary. The gates are used to control pilgrims' foot traffic.

In the past, the area around the Kabah, or Mataf, was simply left open, so the Masjid al-Haram did not have gates in the traditional sense. When Muhammad conquered Mecca, he constructed the first "Masjid al-Haram," a modest plaza surrounded by a low wall and measuring approximately 560 square meters. The height of this low wall may not exceed a few inches. List of Gates Bab Malik'Abdulaziz (Gate number 1) The most recent reconstruction of Malik abd ul-Aziz Gate () can be found facing Ajyad Street at the Yemenite corner of the Masjid al-Haram complex. Wheelchair users and people with disabilities have direct access to the outer Mataf area through this gate.

Bab Ajyad, gate number 5) The two valleys of Ajyad, which are situated south-east of the Masjid al-Haram, are the inspiration for the Bab Ajyad (). It is one of the mosque complex's smaller single-portal gates.

Doors no. The electrical escalators 7 and 8 provide for access to the Haram's upper levels and are also part of the same group. It is on the south-eastern side of the main Mataf-area and was built as part of the first Saudi expansion.

Bab Bilal, gate number 6) On the Masjid al-Haram's southern flank is the Bab Bilal, or "Gate of Bilal." It is named after the nobel companion and Muazzin of the Prophet Muhammad, Bilal ibn Rabaha, also known as the Bilal al-Habashi, referring to his Habashah-related heritage. It was constructed as part of the first Saudi expansion and renovation program for the Haram. It is on the south-eastern side.

(Gate number) Bab Hunain 9) The Masjid al-Haram's southern facade houses the Bab Hunain (or Gate of Hunain). It is named after the town of Hunayn, which is in modern-day Saudi Arabia and is close to the city of Tai'f. Between Bab Ismael and Bab Bilal is the Bab Hunayn. Because the Bab Ajyad escalators are situated directly in front of it, it is only partially visible today.

Bab Ismail (Entryway no. 10) The Bab Ism'ail, or "Gate of Ishmael," is named after prophet Ismail, Ibrahim's son. On the southern flank of Masjid al-Haram, between the Bab Hunain and Bab Hamzah, is a smaller gate. Additionally, it is one of the mosque's smaller gates.

Bab Safa, Masjid al-Haram

Bab Safa (Door no. 12)

The Bab Safa (باب الصفا), Safa Door, is on of the five significant Entryways of Masjid al-Haram. It can be found on the Masjid Haram complex's northern side. The beginning of the Masa'a region can be reached directly from the modern Bab e Safa. Access to the Masa'a starting point's upper floors is also provided by modern bab e Safa. A scooter service is also available for elderly people who are unable to perform Sai on foot, and it is located close to the beginning of Jabl e Safa.

The gate number Bab an-Nabi 14) Prophet Muhammad is the inspiration for the name of the Gate of the Prophet, Bab an-Nabi (). Between the Bab Abi Qubais and the Bab 'Ali, the great mosque of Mecca's eastern flank contains the prophet's gate. It is close to the al-Safa neighborhood. The gate number 15 on the Bab an-Nabi Bridge (), which is situated south of the lower Bab Nabi, grants access to the upper floors.

Bab Dar ul-Arqam (Door no. 16) The Gate of the Arqam's House, Bab Dar ul-Arqam (the small portal on the right is the Bab e 'Ali). Electric escalators lead to the upper levels of the Sa'i Gallery at the Gate of Dar ul-Arqam, which is also east of al-Masa'a. It is named after Arqam ibn Abi'l-Arqam, a companion of Muhammad who lived between 597 and 675 CE. The residence where the early Muslim community met belonged to him.

Bab Ali's (Gate number 17) Funerals are also held at the Bab 'Ali (Gate of 'Ali), which is on the eastern facade of the Sayee Gallery. It is named after Ali ibn abi Talib, the son-in-law of the prophet Muhammad and the first Muslim to accept Islam. Between the Bab Nabi (the Prophet's Gate) and the Bab 'Abbas, the Bab Ali can be found on the mosque's eastern flank. It gives you direct access to Mas'a's Ramal neighborhood. This door, generally found somewhere else, has additionally been known as the Entryway of Bani Hashim or the Bab Bat'ha.

Bab Abbas, gate number 20) On the eastern flank of the Masjid Haram, the Bab 'Abbas, or Gate of 'Abbas, is named after Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, Muhammad's paternal uncle and companion. It is on the Masjid Haram's eastern flank, between the Bab 'Ali and the more recent Bab Bani Shaibah (gate no. 22), and grants direct entry into the Mas'sa. It has three portals, the largest of which is in the middle and is surrounded by two smaller portals on each side.

(Gate number) Bab Bani Hashim 21) The Bab Bani Hashim, also known as the Gate of the Bani Hashim, is named after the Banu Hashim, the tribe that the prophet Muhammad belonged to. It functions as a bridge gate ().

(Gate number) Bab Bani Shaibah 22) This more recent gate leads to the Masa'a gallery. It is named after the noteworthy bab Bani Shaybah, which once remained as a curve close to the Kabah (denoting the site where when the clan of Shaybah resided). Today is it situated close to the al-Marwah region, on the eastern side of the al-Masa'a. As a freestanding arch, this gate used to be close to Kaba. The Banu Shaiba tribe of Mecca, who are the primary carriers of Ka'ba, is the inspiration for the name Bab Bani Sheiba.

From the outside of the Marwah Gate Bab Marwah (Gate number 23) One of the mosque complex's largest gates is the Bab al-Marwah, or Al-Marwah Gate. It gives electric elevator offices to get to the upper region of the Masjid al-Haram. It is named after the historic peak because it is closest to Mount al-Marwah and provides direct access to Mas'a's Marwah district. Its architecture combines modern aesthetics with traditional Arab elements.

Bab Muda'a, gate number 25) The ground floor of Massa (Say'ee) is accessible via the Bab al-Muda'a ().

Arafat Bab (Gate number 35) The Bab 'Arafah Gate, also known as the Bab Umar Gate (Gate number 49) Omer Gate, Bab Umrah, Masjid al-Haram Bab Umrah (Gate number 63) The old Bab al-Umrah, or "Umrah Gate," of Masjid al-Haram is where, according to tradition, Prophet Muhammad went to Mecca in April 629 CE for his last Umrah. One of the mosque's gates will be renovated in accordance with Bab Malik during the Malik 'Abdullah Expansion. From the northwest, it provides direct access to the Mataf region.

Because it is in the same direction as the city of Medina, the Bab Madinah Bab Medina (Medina Gate) is named after it.

Bab al-Quds (also spelled Bab ul-Quds) Bab Shamiyah (also spelled Bab al-Shamiyah) Bab Nidwah (also spelled Nadwah) is named after a house where Quraish used to hold "congress" meetings. All of the Nobel men would gather here to make major decisions.

Bab Quraish Bab Qureysh, also known as "Quraish Gate," gets its name from the Quraish people of Mecca, the tribe of Muhammad. It gives you access to the al-Marwah area and is on the Masa'a's northern end.

Bab Mina Bab Mina (Mina Gate,  ) Bab Muhassib Bab al-Muhassib (Muhassib Gate,  ) Bab Murad Bab al-Murad (Mu'alah Gate,  ) Bab Mualah Bab al-Mu'alah (Mu'alah Gate, ) Bab Hujoon Bab al-Hujoon (al-Hujoon Gate, )

The Baab-as-Salaam, or Bab as-Salam in Arabic, One of the most famous and historic gates at the Masjid-al-Haram in Makkah-al-Mukkarammah is (pronounced "bb assalm). This expression in Arabic when in a real sense converted into English signifies "Entryway of Harmony". This gate is closer to Mount Marwah than the area between Mount Safa and Marwaah. In reference to Shaybah bin Othman, who lived nearby the Kaaba and had a house next to it, it is also known as the door of the sons of Sheybah (Bani Sheiba). The original Bab bani Shaybah, which was much closer to the Kaaba, is not the same as this gate.

Bab Yarmouk, Bab Aiesha, Bab Asma, and Bab Shabeikah (Gate number 70, 71, 72, and 73) On the smaller facade, which faces west, there are four gates. Gate no. 1, the first one. 70 is named after Aiesha, the daughter of the first caliph of Islam and one of Muhammad's wives. Second, no gate 71 is named after Asma, Abu Bakr's older daughter. The fourth, gate number 73, in honor of; either the Yarmouk region or the Battle of Yarmouk. The Masjid al-Haram's second Saudi expansion includes these four gates.

Stairs for Bab Abu Bakr and Bab Malik Fahad (Gate number 74 and 78)

The single entrance door no. The first Muslim caliph, Abu Bakr, who was also a close companion of the Prophet Muhammad and the father of Aiesha, the Prophet Muhammad's wife, is the inspiration for the number 74. No. 1 Gate 78, after the Saudi Arabian king Fahad, is the staircase that leads to the great mosque's upper floors.

Masjid al-Haram Bab Malik Fahad, Bab Fahad 79) The Bab al-Fahad, also known as the "King Fahad Gate," is on the eastern edge of the Al-Haram Complex and leads to the mosque's eastern outer prayer area. It was put in place during the second Saudi expansion project from 1982 to 1988 CE. On either side of the three portal gates, two minarets were built.

(Gate number) Bab Jabir bin 'Abdullah 84) Under King Fahad's direction, the Bab Jabir bin 'Abdullah () is situated on the southwest side of the Second Saudi Expansion. This gate was built as part of the Masjid al-Haram's expansion program from around 1982 to 1988 CE to make it easier for pilgrims to get there. Women are the only ones who enter or exit the mosque complex through this gate. Jabir bin 'Abdullah, one of the most well-known companions of the Prophet Muhammad, is the name of the gate.

Bab Zayd bin Thabit and Bab Saeed bin Zaid 85 and 86) The great mosque in Mecca has two gates on its southwestern edge. Gate no. 1, which is the first of the two. 85, is named after Saeed bin Zaid, one of the prophet Muhammad's notable companions and military leaders (cavalry commander). The second, entryway no. 86 bears Zayd bin Thabit's name; the individual copyist of prophet Muhammad who filled in as the essential recorder of the Quran message.

Bab Maimouna and Bab Umm Hani (Gate number 87 & 88) The gate number Umm Hani, one of the prominent Sahabiyyahs, is the inspiration for the number 87. She was the daughter of Abu Talib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. Her given name was Fakhitah. She was one of the prophet Muhammad's most ardent supporters. Gate number two, the second of the two 88), which is named after Maimouna, one of Muhammad's wives, It is one of a group of gates at the Masjid al-Haram complex's southern edge.

Bab Hafsah and Bab Hijlah (Gate number 89 and 90) On the southerly corner of the Masjid al-Haram complex are the Bab Hijlah (on the left) and the partially visible Bab Hafsah (on the right). A man drove his vehicle into the gate number on October 31, 2020 CE. 89, the al-Hijlah Gate, according to reports. Bab Hafsah, the gate to the right, is most likely named after one of Muhammad's wives.

Bab Malik 'Abdullah The Bab 'Abdullah (literally "the gate of 'Abdullah") is the central entrance gate to the King 'Abdullah Extension, which is located toward the north-western end of the newly covered area of the mosque. The gate is a larger version of the gates that were added during the previous King Fahad expansion of Masjid al-Haram. There are two minarets on the triple-arched gate. On each side, it is surrounded by two smaller tetra-arched gates. It is a component of the mosque's largest expansion plan, the north plaza expansion.

Masjid al-Haram Bab al-Fatah The Bab al-Fatah, which literally translates to "the gate of victory," is one of the historic gates of the Haram. It is on the southern side of the Haram Complex. The name "Gate of Victory" refers to the location from which the prophet Muhammad entered the city of Mecca on the day of the Meccan Conquest, according to an unproven legend. Along with four other major gates, the gate has recently undergone renovations.

Historic Gates and Entrances Bab Bani Shaybah The original Bab Bani Shaybah () was a free-standing arch that marked the location (access) where the houses of the tribe of Shaybah once stood. This arch was removed along with other above-ground structures from the Mataf region well into the Saudi era to make room for the circumbulation.
